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Oh we have finally reached the new yearly OMG comeback, OH MY GIRL Are More Than Just Classified To Make Good Music

Oh My Girl is back with their tenth mini album Dreamy Resonance and title Classified.

Oh we have finally reached the new yearly OMG comeback. I really do wonder what WM was thinking because why did they never milk the popularity high this group had 2 years ago? They just let it drift away and give the girls attention once a year for new music. Weird. Really weird. Anyway, the concept photos leading up for this comeback were absolutely stunning but I think we were all aware of that! I love princess dresses and everything was so cute and fairy like about this comeback.So nice let’s review.

Well Classified is definitely bringing some more magical drama to the scene. I wouldn’t say that this is the new Dun Dun Dance or Nonstop but it works. Classified has a lot of melody and almost feels like it could belong to a ballet performance? The vocals are there, the verses are honestly quite interesting and the pre-chorus offers a nice build up. Classified‘s chorus also very much fits into the mood of the song but what it is lacking is honestly a catchy hook? Usually we can expect catchiness from these girls a good hook that will stay with us and end summer on a high note with. Classified takes them back to earlier OMG times but I had hoped we’d see something with more oomph from them. However, the song still works.

Now I have to admit I wouldn’t be surprised if Start Up was meant to be the title for this mini album because it has everything I mentioned before. It’s very catchy and upbeat and gets the end of summer sound going. But I will just enjoy it as a fantastic b-side then. The rest of the songs are very nice I really like the duets the girls did and Heavenly is a very easy on the ears song to finish the album with. Overall, a solid comeback, the girls looked gorgeous and the music video is absolutely beautiful!

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