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Oh my I feel like fromis_9 comebacks are a pretty rare occasion, fromis_9 Are Ready To Go Supersonic

fromis_9 return after a good while with third single album Supersonic.

Oh my I feel like fromis_9 comebacks are a pretty rare occasion and I just don’t understand why. What is pledis doing? Why are they so bad at managing girl groups. Oh well, let me not rant or get upset and focus on the fact that we are actually getting a new comeback by the girls. I am sad it is just a single but also glad the single has two b-sides which is more than we can expect from some single albums. The girls looked fantastic in the concept photos for this comeback and I was excited to see what their Supersonic would sound like. Let’s review.

Supersonic is a ton of fun. I am not gonna deny that it follows some of the current trends by starting off slow and taking us to the club with a mellow banger but thankfully Supersonic picks up its pace as it goes on. We get a bit more groove, fromis_9’s vocals add a lot to the song and the hook works and is quite catchy despite maybe being a bit repetitive. It works and makes Supersonic a nice and easy on the ears summer bop. I am not sure with how much the girls are going to stand out with this song but I think fromis_9 are such an established act already that they will be successful with this no matter what. I mean there is already interested in them for having such scarce comebacks! Supersonic is a bop.

The two b-sides on the single are more than solid and I really enjoy Beat The Heat because I am currently dying in this heatwave however, Take A Chance is probably my favorite on the single because it is just so good. I love the instrumental and how it feels a bit futuristic, it’s really catchy and the girls sound fantastic on the album as well. Overall, this is a great comeback for the girls!

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