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Jeon Somi Gives Us Some Ice Cream

SoMi returns after what feels like a century with new special summer single Ice Cream.

I feel like it’s been four hundred years since Somi made her last comeback? We got a full album and then silence. So bizarre how TBL handles their artists just as bad as YG but I guess there must be something in the air in those building there. Oh well, I will take whatever content we can get when we get it and a Somi comeback is always bound to be fun! I loved the teaser photos for this comeback, summer looks great on Somi! So let’s get into the review!

Ice Cream is a ton of fun right of the bat we are greeted by a mega catchy and groovy rhythm and it turns out to be mega catchy. The song is hard carried by Somi’s vocals and singing over the almost barren skeleton of an instrumental but it works? I love the brass coming in during some parts and the pre-chorus feels almost trance like. I also can agree that Ice Cream‘s hook “melting like butter” is a mood because when it has been getting hot here that’s how hot it has gotten. We just melt like butter and vibe I suppose. But yes, Ice Cream is in my head after only two short listens the song is catchy, the groove is there and I love the more chant like ending to the song. It feels very Somi. Might not be her best song ever but it works as a single and has the wanted effect.

The music video is a ton of fun too I’d say!

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