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Stray Kids Turn It Up With Chk Chk Boom

Stray Kids make their comeback with mini album ATE and title song Chk Chk Boom.

SKZ are back! This period before this comeback dropped has been very active for the group and I think it worked well in their favor because I was very excited to hear what Chk Chk Boom would sound like. Of course, I did not expect (and I probably should’ve) that Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman would be making a cameo in the new music video but it only makes Chk Chk Boom for an even hyper experience. The teasers promised me center Lee Know as well and I’m only human – meaning I’m seated for whatever that man does – so I’m dying to check Chk Chk Boom out and review the new mini album as well. Let’s dive right into it!

First of all, Chk Chk Boom is rather short – going at around 2 and a half minutes, it definitely makes me want to hear at least one more section of the song. Either way, it’s definitely the style and sound we’ve grown to expect and like from Stray Kids and the kind of energy and music only they are able to deliver the right way. The verses are much more melodic than I expected them to be based on the overall atmosphere of the teasers, so I’m pleasantly surprised by some of the smooth vocal moments as well as the rap sections. The chorus is a two-part one, offering first a more laid-back hook and then the second, more impactful one. I like it on the first two listens, although I cannot help but wish it had a bit more melody backing it up or a stronger instrumental to lift it, especially during the first part. Chk Chk Boom is fun, though. It’s definitely catchy and offers that recognizable SKZ aura and sound, but this time around more oriented towards the Latin-inspired melody. I do wish there was a more solid melodic section to hang onto and that wish is fulfilled during that finale – switching up the style a bit and really making me groove. The final section could’ve worked well as a chorus from the start and maybe would’ve made it feel a tiny bit more summery. Chk Chk Boom is not my favorite SKZ song currently but as it often happens with their titles, it will probably crazily grow on me in a few days, and paired with this being their absolute best era styling and looks-wise, I’ll definitely be checking out the promotions this era. Lee Know has never looked better honestly.

The mini album offers a lot of different emotions and that’s something you can always count on SKZ to do. There are some hard-hitting tracks, as well as some more emotional b-sides that I’m really loving on the first listen. What I’m really enjoying listening to this album is the fact that it has this anthemic feeling to it, so I’m sure these songs will sound fantastic in concerts. SKZ are indeed coming to Europe next year so I’m kind of warming up to the idea of saving up money for that. From the more energetic tracks on the album I think I like Runners the most right now. It’s melodic, with a lot of great vocal moments but also that energetic, upbeat SKZ style. However, the true star of this new mini-album has to be Stray Kids! I love emotional tracks and this one really hits the spot for me. It’s meaningful but it’s also catchy, upbeat, and really has this anthem-like feeling to it that lures me in. This one is going to sound so good live, especially during the whooo-whooo parts. Such a pretty song, from the verses, rap sections, vocal moments, and the overall melody and atmosphere it creates. I love it!

Chk Chk Boom is a fun song, but the new mini-album hides some great gems as well. Welcome back SKZ!

It’s insane to me how this comeback has felt like it has been teased for a very very long time and also it just snuck up on me? I have to say the musical teasers for this comeback had me more than excited, this seemed like it would be more of the old SKZ sound I have loved so much, with an harder edge to it and catchiness. I also think it’s crazy seeing Ryan Reynolds in the actual music video. I think this is going to be on the official soundtrack of the new movie too? I have no clue I haven’t really kept up with all the Western x K-pop collabs. Well, then let’s review.

Chk Chk Boom is very much a Stray Kids song to a t, we have some bad assery, some strong raps but honestly, a lot of melody as well? I like that there is more of a focus on the song, the melody and harmony of things than on the boys shouting. I am saying this as even years late a Miroh enjoyer, but SKZ have just been loud in recent comebacks, but it hasn’t sounded this cohesive. This is a straight forward dark hip hop song and honestly, it slaps. It is also catchy? I think I have that chorus stuck in my head and Felix just proves again what a true asset his deep voice it. Chk Chk Boom is a success in my book and probably my favorite SKZ comeback in a while.

The mini album ATE is pretty solid, I would have also highlighted the song Una picked it just has so much emotional value I think, especially since the boys all renewed their contracts as of yesterday. I think I like the festival version of Chk Chk Boom a lot ad I Like It is also a really good song, it’s catchy and the chorus is just so much melody, Seungmin out here popping off. Overall, a really successful comeback for me and I am finding my love back for the boys.

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