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Exclusive Unboxing: BOYNEXTDOOR's Signed 'HOW?' EP - First Look Review!


First Look: Unboxing BOYNEXTDOOR's Signed EP 'HOW?' - Exclusive Insights!

Introduce "HOW?" as the concluding piece of the "First Love Story Trilogy," nestled between the exhilaration of 'WHO!' and the heartbreak of 'WHY..'. Mention that this EP explores the nuanced emotions and experiences of first love.

Discuss the standout track 'Earth, Wind & Fire,' detailing how it uses elements of nature to metaphorically describe the uncontrollable aspects of love. Highlight its hyper pop influences and the dynamic performance that breaks genre boundaries.



Comment on the emotional depth of the lyrics and the creative involvement of Myung Jae-hyun, Tae San, and Un Hak in both the lyrics and the music, which resonates deeply with youth and their experiences of love.



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